What a delightful reunion with the participants of my SOL Spirit of Light Training!

A circle of friends sang in celebration of life,

danced in ecstasy,

enjoyed each others company

and delighted in their own sweet space.

I was blessed with a wonderful team

and we enjoyed every moment together.

Working in the realms of energy

was so much fun

and laughing

was our daily practice.

Deep moments of energetic healing

opened our hearts

and allowed going deep inside.

This group has a very special connection

which showed in many moments!

I delighted in peoples happiness

in their connection,



and intimacy.

And the goddess sent us weather to work outside for our last healing meditation.

We leave this second part of the Spirit of Light training with smiles on our faces

and we look forward to meeting again next year in May.

This years Spirit of Light events were truly amazing and we invite you to join us next year for more energy work and delightful adventures when I come back in May.

Yes, I am going home soon, but I will be back next year and hope to see many of you. I love you all and miss you already….but you will always be in my heart!