by Ghata | Mar 10, 2020 | Deepening
This was the most amazing SOL Deepening I have ever been part of. Deep and meaningful ceremonies and healing light all around. It didn’t matter, if we worked with the realms of the Angels, the directions, the animal realms, the light and the dark or the corona virus and the fear around it, the energy of healing and transformation was tangible. And everyone felt more balanced, resourced and regulated. Here are some impressions:
by Ghata | Mar 12, 2019 | Deepening, News
Can it get any better? A fabulous group of SOL Spirit of Light trainees and graduates diving back into the beautiful energy of SOL. Each person trusting and exploring over these remarkable 4 days. Learning new ways to do past lives and cord cutting processes. Plus the introduction of a new process called Feeding the Demon’. Such a gentle and profound experience for all. Thanks to everyone who came to play!
by Ghata | Jun 5, 2018 | Deepening
Unsere jährliche SOL Vertiefung war wieder einmal super. Spaß, Tiefe, neue Erkenntnisse und neues Wissen und vor allem Herzensverbindungen. / Our yearly SOL Deepening was once again amazing. Fun, depth, new realizations, new knowledge and most of all heart connections.
Ich freue mich schon auf euch alle bei der Vertiefung im nächsten Jahr und hoffentlich können dann einige kommen, die in diesem Jahr keine Zeit hatten. / I am already looking forward to the Deepening next year. And maybe some of the people who couldn’t come this year will be able to join us.
by Ghata | Feb 26, 2018 | Deepening
Can it get any better? A fabulous group of SOL Spirit of Light trainees and graduates, the theme “relating intimately, depth, fun, learning, insights, using life’s challenges for more learning….there is nothing I would have rather done. An amazing and fabulous 4 days. Thanks to everyone who came, trusted, played and made these 4 days remarkable.
No rain nor getting flooded in and out stopped us from exploring and learning.
We even had to spend half a day at my place….and it worked so well too.
And then back at the venue for our last day and completion.
I am grateful and feel so blessed! And I am already plotting the SOL Deepening for next year.
by Ghata | May 18, 2015 | Deepening
My wonderful German Spirit of Light Family was in full action this last weekend, when we met for the SOL Deepening this year.
It is always such a delight to come together, play and work with like minded people.
Working and learning with each other is always fun
for everyone.
Learning and healing
sharing and energy work
meditation, gratitude, beauty and giggles
we all had a fabulous time together.
And this weekend for the first time since I am in Germany, we were able to enjoy the sun during our breaks
and the company of old and new friends.
After such a great weekend I can’t help myself and am planning to come back next year for a Deepening, a workshop and YES, another Spirit of Light Training. Maybe you want to join the Spirit of Light family?!
by Ghata | Mar 10, 2015 | Deepening
The SOL Deepening Training this year was once again very exciting,
and sacred.
Our circles were deep
and the energy work profound.
So many happy moments and some crazy ones as well!
Yes, it is always great to come together with some of the SOL family and dive deep, play and enjoy each others company. I hope to see many of you again in next years SOL Deepening.
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