by Ghata | Mar 9, 2015 | Workshop

Thank you to everyone who came to the Shape your own Destiny 1-day workshop. It was such a great day and everyone felt excited to go home and work with their new values and rules as well as make sure that it is harder to experience their resisted creations.
I will run more of these workshops in Australia this year and hope that you will come too!

by Ghata | Jun 16, 2014 | Workshop

The workhshop Lebensfreude (Joy of Life) turned out to be my second workshop with only women this year and although it wasn’t planned to be an only women’s weekend, we all loved it!

Women working together in sacred space is always something special and this weekend was very special indeed.

Working with our inner children, the little girls and young ones inside created intimacy,


and deep sharing.

Energy work and

the use of healing light provided the space for

relaxation and

deep gratitude.

My glorious team and dear friends Sonja and Andrea enjoyed the weekend as much

as all the other women.

And I….?!….am as happy as can be!
There is one more 4 day training that you can join if you want to work with me this year. Join us for Schöpferkraft at the end of the month!
Love, Ghata
by Ghata | May 26, 2014 | Workshop

I just love working with women and this workshop was filled with light, delight and miracles.

Inspired by an exercise we did at the Shematrix Gathering in November 2013 in Byron Bay, I started the weekend with some dynamic drawing

and exploration of energetic imprints in our bodies.

After some healing exercises the weekend started to have a dynamic of its own and everyone was blown away by the depth of the transformation that started to happen.

And the pictures that we continued to work with became a reflection of all the shifts and changes.

Of course, women being creative together also brought lots of fun,

laughter and

deep connection.

Love was tangible!

We danced and we shared delightful moments,

beauty in all forms

and we created imprints of healing and love.

A weekend of feminine creativity and abundance!

There is one more weekend and a 4 day training that you could join! Come on, jump in and have some fun with us!
by Ghata | May 14, 2014 | Workshop

My workshop tour 2014 started with a Language of Light evening and a Workshop “Sources of Power” in Büdingen. We had a sweet time together and connected with the 4 elements and each other on deep levels.

Loving connections

healing exercises and

shared contemplation was part of the weekend. Thanks so all the participants, my assistants and friends for all their support.

I hope to see many of you over the next months! Blessings and love, Ghata
by Ghata | Sep 23, 2013 | Workshop
This was the first time I brought the Spirit of Light work to Perth with a Language of Light day. This was also the first time working in Anna Foley’s studio and it was an absolute divine experience!

The group of people that came together for this unique event was delightful and very open to not only receiving the blessings of our Language of day together, but also be the first group working with the energy of the future Spirit of Light cards around us.
Yes, my dear friend Anna Foley had decided to do the art work for a Spirit of Light deck and a couple of days before our Language of Light day we had an exhibition of some of her work, including prints of the art work for the Spirit of Light deck. I have also done more than half of the writing that will go with the deck, and so we used this opportunity to give everyone a taste of what is to come and to start working with the energies of the art work.
It was truly amazing to work in the midst of some of the pictures and feel their energy supporting the work.
It deepened the work and made it much easier for me to support everyone who came.
Just to give you a taste: this is me standing inbetween Healing and Relationship. Aren’t they extraordinary?!
Everyone enjoyed the day
and we were able to go very deep in the short amount of time we had.

During the day we experienced wonderful connections with each other

and blissfull diving within.
The breaks gave us all more opportunities to enjoy all the gorgeous artwork Anna displays.

As the official Language of Light workshop ended, some of us held the energy for Anna to bring a painting from source into existence.
What a privilege to be part of this process!

I was very touched during the painting and especially when Anna invited me to support her towards the completion of the painting.
This also brought be even closer to this extraordinary being.
Magic was truly tangible!
I can’t wait to see the full painting once it is dry.
And so I leave you for today with the images of Vision and Peace and me being fulfilled and feeling as whole as I have ever felt in my life. My gratitude goes to everyone who came, to magical Anna and my dear organizer Suzie who keeps making my life so much easier and was part of this first Spirit of Light event in Perth.
by Ghata | Jun 10, 2013 | Workshop
A new workshop is always a surprise and an adventure for me. This new workshop Sources of Power was based around the 4 elements and gave us all more than I had expected.
A fabulous group of people came together to embrace the 4 elements on many levels.

After calling in the support of all directions and the elemetal realms

we started exploring different elements and our relationship to them.

We were so lucky with the weather and took the opportunity to work outside

using energy work and the power of nature.

Supported by the weather we were able to use the power of creation,


and community.

We had fun

and created healing

working with each other.

Embodying the elements

in a group setting

was magical and sometimes hilarious

whilst creating inner balance.

And there was even some sun bathing during the breaks.

We were all filled with deep gratitude at the end of the weekend

and I am content and fulfilled after my last weekend workshop in Germany this year.

Thanks to everyone who came to play and dive into these realms with me and my friend and organizer Sonja. Thanks to all of our friends, our assistants and support teams. We love you and hope to see you for one of our adventure next year.
We are lucky as we have another SOL Spirit of Light training next weekend….before we are closing doors for this years SOL events in Germany.
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