Our intuition is only accessible for us if we are present with ourselves
Like every year I have just traveled to Germany, which for me is always a time for self exploration, contemplation and practice.I am spending time with my parents, which is a source of delight and struggle at the same time. As I am exploring the different emotions that are coming up I realize how many ideas I have about my parents and how challenging it is to be totally present with them and myself. I carry so many beliefs in general as to how parents/people should be and specifically as to how my parents should be and aren’t. This of course sets me up for disappointment and is in the way of just being with them and experience what happens for me and in my body from moment to moment.
So my practice is to let go of thoughts, ideas, the stories of my mind and stay in the moment and meet everyone as they are right now. To listen without judgement and be open to different viewpoints and realities.
This is also the only way how I can be in touch with my needs, my own flow, my guidance, my intuition.
How is that for you?
Maybe you want to take a moment and ask yourself if you can be in touch with yourself when you are around others, especially anyone challenging like possibly your parents, ex partners, children? Can you actually feel what is happening in yourself, rather than trying to change your outside world in order to feel better? If not, what would it take?
How would your life be different if you could feel your vulnerability, be in touch with what you need, rather than being frustrated that the outside world is not meeting your needs? How would it be if you could be aware of anything that causes activation inside of you and then check in how to regulate yourself again.
How would your life be different if you could be with yourself when you experience something undesired that appears to come from the outside? How would it be to hold yourself and your little one right now and make them feel safe and held? Are you in touch with your needs and your vulnerability in this moment? How do you feel in your body?When you are present with yourself you are able to feel the flow of life and can easily get in touch with the light that lives you. You are available for your way of receiving intuitive information and act from your guided self.
I think this makes a wonderful practice in every day life. What do you think?
We just completed the last part of the SOL Spirit of Light Training 2017/ 2018. Some of the participants couldn’t be there this weekend, but they were with us in spirit, especially Cara, who has given birth to a beautiful baby girl a couple of weeks before we started part 4. I feel privileged and humbled by every ones willingness and dedication to grow and show up. What an amazing training this was! Here are some impressions:
I am looking forward to the next SOL Spirit of Light Training and we already have quite a few bookings. If you want to join us……just jump in!
A couple of weeks agoShivani Gupta and I held our first retreat with women who wanted to start the year doing something different. We used our combined skills to help the women to purposefully set their intentions for the year, get into more of their intuition and learn to meditate and go inward.
Both Shivani and I love working with people and especially support women to become conscious about what they want to create and give them some tools to use in their lives. Here are some photos from our time together. It was such a blast!!
Because the event was so successful we decided to run it again on 21-23 September 2018. If you are interested contact me and watch out for more information on my homepage or the newsletter in the near future.
I believe that it is necessary to ground ourselves in our physical existence in order to regulate, find balance and make changes.
I recently had an experience where some emotional challenge triggered me so much that I couldn’t sleep, couldn’t stop crying and never mind ground myself. The only thing I could reach out to was my practice. At some point I remembered my breath, felt my feet on the ground and I started finding some safe places in my body. Slowly I started to relax, regulate and was able to deal with the situation.
Grounding is not only helpful to connect to self-awareness, but also to experience self-acceptance and self-love. Grounding helps us to learn, to integrate and to enjoy life.
Maybe you want to take a moment now to feel your feet, then feel your whole body and slowly become aware how you are experiencing yourself right now from the inside. Start being curious about your way of grounding, how you experience your roots growing into the earth and being here in your unique body in this particular stream of life.
I am celebrating my own uniqueness and I am celebrating you in your unique life stream. And maybe when the going gets tough next time you can remember this moment, this curiosity, this appreciation of yourself.
Can it get any better? A fabulous group of SOL Spirit of Light trainees and graduates, the theme „relating intimately, depth, fun, learning, insights, using life’s challenges for more learning….there is nothing I would have rather done. An amazing and fabulous 4 days. Thanks to everyone who came, trusted, played and made these 4 days remarkable.
No rain nor getting flooded in and out stopped us from exploring and learning.
We even had to spend half a day at my place….and it worked so well too.
And then back at the venue for our last day and completion.
I am grateful and feel so blessed! And I am already plotting the SOL Deepening for next year.
Part 3 is my favorite part of the SOL Spirit of Light training and this time was especially powerful. I have changed the past life integration process and it is so much easier and even more powerful. What a weekend! Here are some impressions from our time together. Thanks to the fabulous participants and my absolutely wonderful team.
What a privilege to work with people who are as dedicated and excited about growing as I am! And so the 2nd part of the SOL Spirit of Light training was a delightful and transformative event.
The circles were powerful and full of insights.
There was silence and meditation,
deep and true connection,
and loads of fun! We had a wonderful weekend and here is a huge thank you to my wonderful team Suzie, Tania and Marina.
I am so full of gratitude and delight and I am looking forward to our next adventure together.
I wonder if I always feel like this is the best SOL Spirit of Light training ever after an event?! Possibly it is because I love my work so much, but these last 4 days, the first part of the SOL Spirit of Light training in Mullumbimby was everything I could have ever dreamed of and more.
Such a wonderful collection of participants who were all willing to dive right in and loved exploring the realms of energy and healing.
So many deep and intimate moments
love and laughter
healing and delight.
And luckily this was just the first weekend out of 4. So we have so much more to learn and share with each other. Thank you everyone for coming and reminding me that I not only love this work, but that it makes a difference!
A new journey began this weekend in Mullumbimby as we gathered for the first part of the SOL Spirit of Light Training 2016/2017
It was a great start with everyone taking to the energy work and exploring their own way of working with light.
Our adventure was healing
and allowed us to go deep inside.
A wonderful start of the training with an extraordinary group of participants.
I am deeply touched and feel so lucky to be able to witness such willingness and transformation. I can’t wait to be with this group again for part 2 in October. Thank you everyone for coming and making my life matter.
I wonder if I always feel like this is the best SOL Spirit of Light training ever after an event?! Possibly it is because I love my work so much, but these last 4 days, the first part of the SOL Spirit of Light training in Mullumbimby was everything I could have ever dreamed of and more.
Such a wonderful collection of participants who were all willing to dive right in and loved exploring the realms of energy and healing.
So many deep and intimate moments
love and laughter
healing and delight.
And luckily this was just the first weekend out of 4. So we have so much more to learn and share with each other. Thank you everyone for coming and reminding me that I not only love this work, but that it makes a difference!
Nach meiner Ankunft in einem kalten Frühling in Deutschland hat sich die neue SOL Training Gruppe zusammengefunden und mit den super Teilnehmern kam auch endlich das warme Wetter.
Die Teilnehmer waren alle offen und bereit in die Reiche der Energien einzutauchen. Die Bereitschaft der Teilnehmer erlaubte eine ungeheure Tiefe, die wiederum Heilung auf allen Ebenen möglich machte.
Ausserdem hatten wir natürlich viel Freude inmitten der energetischen Arbeit
Ich war berührt von der Dankbarkeit und Nähe die die Teilnehmer miteinander teilten.
Ich freue mich auf die SOL Vertiefung, das nächste Wochenende und vor allem den Teil 2 mit dieser gleichen Gruppe Ende Juni. Ich hoffe, dass ich viele von meinen alten Freunden in den nächsten Wochen wiedersehen werde und über neue Teilnehmer auch viele neue Bekanntschaften machen darf.
Wie schön, wieder mit den Teilnehmern des SOL Spirit of Light Training zusammenzukommen!
Wie immer war ich berührt von all dem was in einem sicheren Raum passieren kann, wenn die Teilnehmer bereit sind, die Werkzeuge zu umarmen und in die Tiefe zu tauchen.
Während unseres Wochenendes haben wir meditiert,
verschiedene Übungen miteinander gemacht,
Energiearbeit geübt
und hatten viel Spass.
Die Pausen waren entspannend und wirklich notwendig.
Ich fühle mich beglückt, dass ich ein so tolles Team habe ?!
Ich danke Allen, die diese 4 Tage mit mir und uns verbracht haben und freue mich auf unsere Zeit in Teil 3 im Februar 2016!
Das erste SOL Spirit of Light Training nur mit Frauen…..und obwohl wir natürlich Männer immer willkommen heisse, geniessen wir es auch so sehr!
Alle Teilnehmer sind voll und ganz in den Übungen aufgegangen,
als wir begonnen haben, die verschiedenen Facetten von Energiearbeit zu erforschen.
Arbeit im Kreis
und viel Spass waren an der Tagesordnung.
Als ich Bilder von den TEilnehmern nach einer Übung gemacht habe, erschien plötzlich dieses Foto…..Wie ein Wunder zeigt es anstatt der Menschen, die ich fotografiert habe, die Energie der Gruppe in Farben und ihrer Vibration. Ist das nicht erstaunlich?!
Unser Samstag abend Ritual hat uns alle tief berührt und wir waren erfüllt von Licht und Freude.
Ich bin glücklich und dankbar für die letzten 4 Tage mit einer so tollen Gruppe. Ich freue mich auf den nächsten Teil im Oktober. Danke an alle die gekommen sind und mit und gespielt haben. Danke an mein Team, Nikki, Marina, Natalie und meine super rechte Hand Suzie!
Dies ist meine wunderbare deutsche Spirit of Light Familie in Action am letzten Wochenende, wo wir uns für eine SOL Vertiefung getroffen haben.
Es ist einfach immer toll, zusammenzukommen und gemeinsam zu arbeiten, tief zu tauchen und Spass zu haben.
Und ja, arbeiten und gemeinsam zu lernen macht einfach allen Freude
und wir geniessen einander sehr.
Lernen und Heilen
Sharing und Energiearbeit
Meditation, Dankbarkeit, Schönheit und viel Lachen
Wir hatten eine super Zeit zusammen!
Und an diesem Wochenende konnten wir auch die Sonne während unserer Pausen geniessen
und natürlich die Gemeinschaft alter und neuer Freunde.
Nach einem so tollen Wochenende kann ich einfach nicht anders: ich plane im nächsten Jahr wiederzukommen und eine weitere Vertiefung, ein Wochenende und JA, nochmals ein Spirit of Light Training anzubieten. Vielleicht möchtest du ja ein Teil der Spirit of Light Familie werden?!
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